Liasion services

Insurance plays a vital role in protecting everything in one’s life. Be it your favorite car or your parents’ health or your kids’ future. This gets more real and important for supply chain management, logistics, and shipping industry where you are responsible for protecting your clients’ cherished goods, valuables, and business belongings.

Marine Insurance

Marine Insurance refers to the insurance covered for loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport or cargo through which property is transferred, held, or acquired.

Goods in transit (GIT) Insurance

Goods in transit Insurance refers to the insurance covered for goods against loss or damage while being moved from one place to another.

Why both these insurance are very important?

Moving of goods requires overcoming many unseen battles along the route of travel. Your insurance cover will act as your armor in knight all along the way. Sign up for Marine and GIT insurance now!

Protection against losses:

Like any other insurance, Marine and GIT insurance helps you against financial losses. Shipping through any means can be challenging. There is no cent percent guarantee that the shipment will reach the source of destination without any obstacles. In case of any unfortunate turn of events, this insurance will help you recover financially ASAP.

Third-party intrusion:

Shipping through any means involves the hands of other third-party vendors, carriers, drivers, etc. There are instances when these third party agents double-cross despite constant checks from the shipping agency. An insurance cover during such instances helps you move past the situation with limited liability.

Protection against physical damage:

Container accidents, natural disasters, cargo thefts can damage your goods and this in turn can lead to financial loss. Marine and GIT Insurance cover physical damages as well which helps you to recover the damaged goods easily.

Emergency Assistance:

Cargo freights, containers and shipments have to face ‘Perils of the sea’ and ‘Perils of the road’ at any given point during the transportation. During such difficult situations, insurance covers automatically act as emergency assistance documents. Moving of goods requires overcoming many unseen battles along the route of travel. Your insurance cover will act as your armor in knight all along the way. Sign up for Marine and GIT insurance now!

Trade Compliance Health Check

Our Trade Compliance Health Check simulates a full customs audit for your business. With our robust process, you can identify gaps in your trade procedures and fix them in no time. Avail our service now!


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We look forward to being of service!


If you or your Company is interested in entering into a business relationship with us, Please get in touch with us.

We look forward to being of service!

RC Freight Forwarders is one of the leading Customs Broker and Freight Forwarding agencies in South India. We have our head office in Chennai and branch office in Krishnapatnam and Kakinada Ports, on the East Coast of India.

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